ApolloX is a decentralized ecosystem for global e-commerce. We built an e-commerce protocol to enable real-world e-commerce applications running on the blockchain. We connect buyers and sellers with trust and transparency, without information silo and monopolistic middlemen. With our unique blockchain technology, ApolloX brings benefits to both consumers and sellers.
General Rules:
You must join our .Telegram community. https://t.me/apolloxgroup and .Bounty Group. https://t.me/apolloxbounty. Communication for the Bounty will be exclusive through the Bounty group.
Make weekly new post with your report. Do not edit old posts.
You may participate in all categories in any language listed throughout the campaign
The Bounty manager reserve the right to make changes to the task rules or terms, if applicable.
Offensive behavior, cheating, spamming, and using multi-accounts are not allowed. Violation will results in banned and removal from the campaign