1 W12 = 0.00035 ETH
Critical - 57143 W12 (20 ETH)
High - 28571 W12 (10 ETH)
Medium - 10000 W12 (3,5 ETH)
Low - 2000 W12 (0,7 ETH)
Minor - 286 W12 (0,1 ETH)
Search for technical bugs and code audit:
The marketplace and landing page: http://tokensale.w12.io/ ; http://w12.io/?landing=1
Audit of smart contracts of W12 crowdsale: https://github.com/w12-platform/W12-ICO-smart-contracts
Audit template smart contracts to issue tokens to projects on the platform: https://github.com/w12-platform/W12-Product
W12 Bug Bounty