Stakes per article:
High quality - 200 stakes
Good quality - 100 stakes
Stakes per video:
High quality - 400 stakes
Good quality - 200 stakes
+ Bonus up to 500% if article / video gets viewed 1000+ times.
1.Low quality articles and videos will not be accepted.
2.Articles and videos must be genuine. Copying graphics, text and other content is not allowed. (You can use official images, logos, graphics posted on the website, 3.ANN thread, Facebook and Twitter)
4.Articles must be longer than 500 characters, otherwise they will not be accepted.
5.Video must be at least 2 minutes long, shorter videos will not be accepted.
6.Article must have a link to the official website
7.Medium, Steemit, Newbium, and other general/free blogging platforms are allowed but only one post will be accepted on those platforms per user.
VinChain Blog Bounty