500-1999 - 1 Stake per week
2000-2999 - 2 Stakes per week
3000-3999 - 3 Stakes per week
4000-4999 - 4 Stakes per week
5000-5999 - 5 Stakes per week
6000-6999 - 6 Stakes per week
7000-7999 - 7 Stakes per week
8000-8999 - 8 Stakes per week
9000-9999 - 9 Stakes per week
10000 and more - 10 Stakes per week
1. User must have at least 500 followers.
2. Follow our Twitter https://twitter.com/tradelize (Non-compliance with the 2 paragraph leads to the refusal to participation in the bounty program without possibilities to change it. You should do everything right from the first time)
3. Fill out the registration form, wait for the approval of your request. Make sure that you fulfilled the first and second paragraphs before filling the form out!
4. Like and share at least 3 tweets per week form our Twitter (in case there are less than 3 posts were published, than you should like and share all posts that’ve been published this week)
It is forbidden to repost all posts at one time.
5. Tweet our video every week
6. You have to provide a report during the week for which you are doing a job (into this topic). Each week write new report as a new message
7. Do not reserve a message for next week’s report before the week beginning (weekly periods can be found in this TABLE). Comply with the terms to avoid problems with the accrual of stakes.
8. You do not have to notify managers about the change in the number of friends. We adjust the information during the checking of reports and accrue stakes according to actual data.
9. If you did not get stakes you should contact out support chat https://t.me/TradelizeBounty. The link to your report has to be specified in the description of the problem. (if you did not meet at least one paragraph of the rules, stakes will not be accrued).
Tradelize Twitter Bounty