100 – 300: 20 Stakes
300 – 1000: 50 Stakes
1000 – 3000: 100 Stakes
More than 3000 Friends: 200 Stakes
1. Follow RedCab’s LinkedIn company page
2. Your account must be public and have at least 200 followers.
3. Your reward rank will be estimated by your followers and your account activity.
- You need to make at least 1 post and 4 shares each week.
- You can only share posts that are less than 2 weeks old.
- If you do not meet any of those requirements, you will be disqualified.
4. To make valid content, posts must contain hashtag #RedCab_LLC, 100 characters or more. Posts less than the valid number of words will not qualify.
5. The posts must not be removed from your personal page until the end of the bounty campaign. The posts must be public.
6. You must be the owner of the LinkedIn accounts you’ll use.
7. Joining with multiple accounts is not allowed.
RedCab Linkedin Bounty