RainCheck Telegram Bounty

August 19, 2018
November 30, 2018
Bounty Pool:
Max Submission:

Bounty Details


100-249 Members: 1 stake/post
250-749 Members: 2 stakes/post
750-2499 Members: 4 stakes/post
2500-9999 Members: 6 stakes/post
10000+ Members: 10 stakes/post

Extra stakes: Pin pitch post during the whole week and receive x10 stakes per week. You are not eligible to receive more stakes by posting pitch on daily basis if it pinned.


1. A maximum of 1 post per day is allowed in each group
2. Channels are allowed to post 3 times per week, but will get double stakes. No more than 3 posts will be accepted during the week. (This rules is required, because audience won’t accept daily spam in good channel what is bad for advertising value)
3. Groups with fake members will be disqualified.


1. Contact @Awallon_X via Telegram to check if your group/channel are eligible to join.
2. Once approved you will receive a pitch to post in the group/channel.
3. Post pitch during the exact week (dates clarified in rewards thread or in the spreadsheet “Telegram Owners - Approved”).
4. Upload the screenshot (using imgur, postimage or similar) and report it in this rewards thread.
5. Make report in last day of exact week (dates clarified in rewards thread or in the spreadsheet).

Example of Weekly Report:


Link to Telegram post:

Note: Before participating to any bounty campaign (if its originally not hosted by BountyNext) read the terms and conditions to the the respective Bounty Thread on BitcoinTalk forum. BountyNext is not responsible for Reward distribution or any changes made by the Project's administrative and their management team (Without our consent).

RainCheck Telegram Bounty

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