Pigzbe Reddit Bounty

September 1, 2018
December 7, 2018
Bounty Pool:
90,000 WOLLO
Max Submission:

Bounty Details

Pigzbe has allocated a total of 90,000 WOLLO tokens for the Reddit Bounty Campaign. In order to participate you must follow the rules and guidelines below.

There is no limit on the number of threads or comments you can post but only entries with a minimum of 15 upvotes on threads and 8 upvotes on comments will be taken into consideration. Participants that are found with negative karma or spam threads/comments regarding Pigzbe will have their entry invalidated.



Your posted threads/comments should contain news/information about the Pigzbe project.

Only threads/comments from crypto-related subbredits with at least 10k subscribers (EthTrader, IcoCrypto, CryptoCurrency, Altcoin, etc) are considered valid.

Your account should be at least 3 months (90 days) old from the start date of the campaign (2018-09-05) and have a minimum of 500 Post Karma and 200 Comment Karma in order to be eligible to participate.

Comments with less than 30 characters will not be taken into consideration.

You can and should post in the Pigzbe subreddit.

Most of your activity in the Pigzbe subreddit should be comments, but threads are also accepted. Keeping the discussion active is more important than posting the same thread over and over.

Each user gets rewarded based on how many valid threads & comments he/she has at the end of the Campaign. A comment is worth half and the final number is rounded down (5.5 means 5). The totality of threads/comments will be taken into consideration and then each user gets rewarded proportionally.

Threads with a high amount of upvotes but close to 0 comments will be deemed as (obviously) fake and not taken into consideration. Your thread should have 10% of your upvotes as comments (rounded up), so, a thread with 15 upvotes should have 2 comments, a thread with 30 upvotes should have 3 comments, etc.

It is a good practice to include links that point to the official website.


Note: Before participating to any bounty campaign (if its originally not hosted by BountyNext) read the terms and conditions to the the respective Bounty Thread on BitcoinTalk forum. BountyNext is not responsible for Reward distribution or any changes made by the Project's administrative and their management team (Without our consent).

Pigzbe Reddit Bounty

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