Paxcoin Telegram bounty

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Bounty Details


We have allocated 3% of the total bounty allocation for the Telegram Moderation Campaign. We kindly invite you to join us in our Telegram official group. We will select top 10 participants weekly based on your online activities and time in the group, the ranking will be based on our team review and system tracking data. The review standard includes: online time, online activities, communication skills, knowledge of the project, etc.


Always being active in PaxCoin telegram official chatting group such as answering questions constantly to newbie, sending pin message, etc. Make it as extremely active as possible. We will not put you on the top 10 list if your activity and message number lower than the top 50% of the chatting group, even you are in the top 10. We will publish the top 10 and stake each week. In the same circumstance, people who submit the form earlier will be ranked in front of others.


1. Judging criteria based on our team review and system tracking data. The review standard includes: online time, online activities, communication skills, knowledge of the project, etc.


Note: Before participating to any bounty campaign (if its originally not hosted by BountyNext) read the terms and conditions to the the respective Bounty Thread on BitcoinTalk forum. BountyNext is not responsible for Reward distribution or any changes made by the Project's administrative and their management team (Without our consent).

Paxcoin Telegram bounty

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