500-1500 Followers: 2 Stakes per week.
1500-3000 Followers: 3 Stakes per week.
3000-5000 Followers: 5 Stakes per week.
5000 and above Followers: 6 Stakes per week.
1. Every participant must follow NOVAM official twitter account .
2. Must retweet and like all tweets by @NOVAMIntl and use hashtags #NOVAM #CyberSecurity #ICO. (minimum 3 every week).
3. Must tweet at least 2 of the original tweet about NOVAM and use hashtags #NOVAM #CyberSecurity #ICO.
4. Twitter accounts must be cryptocurrency related, real and have at least 90% of real followers (twitter audit).
5. Every week you need to submit the report on the Form
NOTE: Minimum(Total:5) 2 original tweets and 3 retweets must share with above-mentioned Hashtags throughout the week.
6. Join Infinity Bounty group.
Novam Twitter Bounty