1. Original, and high quality article of 1001+ words : 400 MCU tokens
2. Original, and high quality article of 601-1000 words: 300 MCU tokens
3. Original, and high quality article of 300-600 words :150 MCU tokens
1.Original, and high quality Video of more than 1min: 200 MCU tokens
2.Original, and high quality Video of more than 3min: 400 MCU tokens
1. The article/review/blog post must be at least 300 words and video must be at least 1 minute long.
2. Content must be unique and it will be checked for plagiarism or copyright infringement.
3. All post, articles and videos must be published online and be accessible by everyone
4. You must have an audience of at least 500 people on your account/channel
5. The audience for the posted article/video must be crypto related
6. Article/review/blog post must contain at least one link to the MEDICHAIN website.
MediChain Blog Bounty