This campaign will reward community members of LocalCoinSwap who are fluent in other languages and use those skills to grow the project to new regions. You will receive increased stakes for tasks with a greater workload and time commitment.
Chinese, Japanese, Indonesian, Korean, Russian, Arabic, Spanish, Portuguese,Hindi
Register with this form >
Participant's list
Creation of local Telegram/WeChat group+translation of pinned announcements
from main group: 10 stakes + 2 stakes per member at end of campaign
ANN plus bounty threads: 50 stakes + 5 stakes per valid post (update with a
briefing in your language)
Official blog post or article: 25 stakes per full translation of an official article
Whitepaper translation: 300 stakes
1. Quality of translation must be of a reasonable standard.
2. We won't pay for a dead thread. you should post updates and keep the thread live.
LocalCoinSwap Translation