1. Wear the HubrisOne avatar (http://oi64.tinypic.com/2h7nupd.jpg) and add hubrisone.com next to nickname
2. Register with this form: TELEGRAM FORM
3. You must write your report weekly in this thread before the week is over
Share in the following format
Telegram Nickname(not username):
Screenshot of post(s):
1 stake/post
Telegram posts should be sent to groups above 500 members and group should be active.
A maximum of 1 post per day and 7 posts per week is allowed.
Posts with less than 30 characters will not be counted. The posts don't have to be related to HubrisOne but they have to be meaningful.
For your report, take a full screenshot with your post, group name and number of members.
HubrisOne Telegram Bounty