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2. Register with this form: LINKEDIN FORM
3. You must write your report weekly in this thread before the week is over
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###LinkedIn WEEK X###
LinkedIn Account Link:
Link(s) of Sharings:
Commented Posts' Link(s):
50-249 connections: 2 stakes per like+share
250-499 connections: 4 stakes per like+share
500+ connections: 6 stakes per like+share
Comment: 4 stakes
Every share must include this hashtags and link : #HUBRISONE #HBRS #bitcoin #ethereum #cryptocurrency #ICO #tokensale
Shares have to be spaced at least 15 minutes.
Maximum 3 like+shares per day, and 15 like+shares per week
Maximum 2 comments per week.
Accounts with fake friends/followers will be disqualified.
All shared articles must also be liked.
HubrisOne Linkedin Bounty