Good Quality: 200 Stakes
Better Quality: 250 Stakes
Best Quality: 600 Stakes
20-199 views : 100 stakes
200-799 views : 500 stakes
800 or more views : ð1000 stakes
1. Follow us on Medium:
2. All content must be original. Plagiarizing, copying, or translating existing content, including content published by HETACHAIN team, is prohibited and will lead to disqualification.
3. You can, however, use our official images, logos, graphics, and other branding materials from our website.
4. Articles must be longer than 700 words. The SAME or VERY SIMILAR article posted to different platforms will not generate full amount of stakes of its quality, only the 1st one would generate full amount of stakes and the 2nd and 3rd ones would only generate HALF of the stakes of its quality.
5. The article ðmust contain one link to our website and one link to the White-paper.
6. The article or description must also contain a link to your Bitcointalk profile in order to prove your authorship.
7. Blogging platforms like Medium, Steemit, etc. are allowed but only maximum three posts per person to be counted on these platforms.
8. The maximum number of blog posts can be accepted is 3 per week.
HetaChain Blog bounty