Normal - 1000 Stakes
Medium - 3000 Stakes
Good - 5000 Stakes
High Quality - Individual,from 10 000 Stakes
1. The account must be private and active. Commercial or fake accounts will not be accepted.
2. All messages must be published online and be visible to everyone.
3. Your text should be original (you can use images, logo, graphic messages from the Hashbon website, official forums, Facebook and Twitter or other official sources).
4. We do not accept websites without an audience or new websites (websites should be created at least 3 months ago and should have an audience).
5. Your text should be at least 500 words or more.
6. Your post should include at least 2 links: to website, bitcointalk forum, social and media channels of Hashbon.
7. Messages and videos with low quality are not accepted.
8. Video must be at least 1 minute 30 seconds, but not more than 10 minutes. Short videos are not accepted.
9. If for any reason we disqualified you from a bounty campaign, we have the right to remove your points and return them back to the campaign budget.
10. The list of participants will be updated and analyzed weekly on Mondays.
11.Place the following data at the end of the article or in the description of the video:
Your BitcoinTalk profile link:
Hashbon YouTube Bounty