Whitepaper - 2000 Stakes
Bounty Thread - 1500 Stakes
Website and Customer Account - 1000 Stakes
Onepager - 500 Stakes
Announcements for ad campaign, articles etc - 100 Stakes
Moderation - 30 Stakes per Post
1. You will have 5 days from the time of approval of your application to do translations.
2. Translations must be original, the use of any tools like Google translator, is not allowed. Failing that, you will be blacklisted and won’t get a reward.
3. Beginners, by that we mean users who don’t have experience in translation, are not allowed. Along with the application, please, send us an email with your previous translation work to bounty@hashbon.com
4. The Hashbon team reserves the right to change any rules, payment structure and other items, if necessary.
Hashbon Translation Bounty