Jr. Member - 10 Stakes/ week
Member - 50 Stakes/ week
Full Member - 60 Stakes/ week
Sr. Member - 70 Stakes/ week
Hero/Legendary - 80 Stakes/ week
Avatar - 60 Stakes/ week
1. Save the signature and avatar until the end of campaign. You will be disqualified for deleting signatures in the middle of the campaign.
2. If for any reason we disqualified you from the rewards campaign, we are entitled to remove your points and redistribute them back to the campaign budget.
3. You must make at least 10 publications each week on bitcointalk website. The size of the publication must be at least 50 characters. The posts published in the official thread of the project and bounty thread are not taken into consideration.
4. If you don’t respond to the minimum message requirement, you won’t receive any points for the current week. But you will not be removed from the bounty campaign.
5. To get points from the budget, you need to participate in at least one stage of the bounty campaign.
6. It is forbidden to spam and flood. This will result in disabling of your account and cancellation of your results.
7. Save your signature until the final list of your messages is recorded in the report table. Removing a signature before counting messages will deprive you of rewards.
8. The list of participants will be updated and analyzed weekly on Mondays.
Hashbon Signature Bounty