1. Subscribe the subreddit here: https://www.reddit.com/r/GoRecruit/
2. Make comments or posts about GoRecruit on cryptocurrency related subreddits: r/GoRecruit, r/bitcoin, r/ethereum, r/ethtrader, r/cryptocurrency
3. Register on the our bounty portal
4. Join to Reddit campaign in the bounty portal - https://gorecruit.bountyplatform.io (you should join for each post/comment)
5. Verify your status in spreadsheet and Join us on Telegram.
6. Post a message in the bounty thread with the following information:
Reddit campaign
Reddit Profile URL: ...
Post/Comment on the subreddit URL: ...
Rewards for blogs (Depending on the quality):
Excellent: 30 GRT
Good: 20 GRT
Average: 10 GRT
Satisfactory: 5 GRT
Rejected: 0
Rewards for YouTube (Depending on the quality):
Excellent: 36 GRT
Good: 24 GRT
Average: 12 GRT
Rejected: 0
1. Multi-accounts are not allowed. Bots and fake accounts are not allowed.
2. Posts and Comments with negative Karma will not be accepted.
3. Reddit account must be at least 1 month old and have a minimum of 5 comment karma.
GoRecruit Reddit Bounty