Join the Gilgamesh Platform Twitter bounty campaign by following the official Gilgamesh Platform Twitter account.
▶ 300 — 500 followers = 5 Stakes per week
▶ 500 — 1000 followers = 10 Stakes per week
▶ 1000 — 5000 followers = 20 Stakes per week
▶ 5000 — 10000 followers = 35 Stakes per week
▶ 10000+ followers = 50 Stakes per week
1. Your Twitter account must have minimum 300 real followers
2. Your Twitter account must be active. Bot accounts won’t be accepted. Recent Twitter audit must be over 80% on TwitterAudit
3. Majority of your Twitter followers should be crypto-oriented
4. Follow Gilgamesh Platform official account on Twitter, @GilPlatform
5. Retweet at least 5 tweets per week from our Twitter account @GilPlatform.
6. Write 5 original tweets per week related to Gilgamesh Platform, starting from October 3rd
7. All original tweets must contain @GilPlatform and two hashtags out of the following #Blockchain #Ethereum #TokenSale #ICO
8. Tweets and retweets should not be deleted until the end of Token Sale
9. Submit your tweet and retweets every week to the bounty thread, find the sample template at the bottom of this post
Note: Submit one report per week. You can update it on a daily basis. We only accept one combined report per week.
10. Any tweet or retweet after the Token Sale is invalid
Gilgamesh Twitter Bounty