250+ followers - 1 Stake per week
500+ followers - 2 Stakes per week
1000+ followers - 3 Stakes per week
2500+ followers - 5 Stakes per week
5000+ followers - 7 Stakes per week
10000+ followers - 10 Stakes per week
25000+ followers - 15 Stakes per week
1. Follow Gigzi on Twitter
2. The number of followers on your Twitter account upon registration will be used for the entire campaign
3. Maximum of 2 Tweets per day, with a minimum of 2 hours between each Tweet
4. Do not re-Tweet anything older than 7 days
5. The Twitter audit (https://www.twitteraudit.com/) must be equal to or better than 85%
6. Your Tweets and re-Tweets must have at least 2 of these hashtags #Gigzi #crypto #blockchain #GZB #preciousmetal #stablecoin #ethereum #bitcoin #cryptocurrency #ICO #tokensale
7. Minimum 3 re-Tweets per week, 1 original Tweet, 1 comment and 1 Like on Gigzi Tweets
8. Only share content that was created by Gigzi
9. Submit a weekly report in the thread, using the format provided below
Gigzi Twitter Bounty