100+ Connections - 1 Stake per week
300+ Connections - 1.5 Stakes per week
500+ Connections - 2 Stakes per week
1. Follow Gigzi on Linkedin.
2. Your LinkedIn profile must be publicly visible and have at least 100 connections or followers
3. Create at least 1 post per week mentioning Gigzi
4. Share at least 3 articles, videos or posts mentioning Gigzi
5. Comment and like at least once per week on Gigzi posts
6. Duplicate postings are not permitted, every post on your page should be unique
7. Shares & posts must have at least 2 of these hashtags #Gigzi #crypto #blockchain #GZB #preciousmetal #stablecoin #ethereum #bitcoin #cryptocurrency #ICO #tokensale
8. Submit a weekly report in the thread, using the format provided below
Gigzi Linkedin Bounty