1 to 20 Stakes will be awarded based on quality, originality, creativity, coherence and audience
Blog & Articles can be written in your native language with a 0.5 Stake multiplier
1. Content must be original, unique and relevant to Gigzi
2. A blog or article must have a minimum of 500 words
3. A blog or article must contain at least one link to the Gigzi website and one link to either the Whitepaper, the official BitcoinTalk ANN or Bounty thread
4. The blog or article description must contain a link to your Bitcointalk member profile to verify authorship
5. Maximum of 1 article per week can be submitted
6. All submissions should be of a high standard, anything considered low quality will not be counted
7. Automatically generated content or any type of content creation by software will result in disqualification
8. Plagiarism will result in disqualification
9. Submit a weekly report in the thread, using the format provided
Gigzi Blog Bounty