Copy-paste quality - 20 stakes
Normal quality - 80 stakes
Medium quality - 160 stakes
Good quality - 300 stakes
Superb quality - 600 to 1000 stakes
The article/review/blog post must have at least 500 words.
Your text must be original. Copying and stealing other people’s content brings to disqualification.
The audience for the posted article must be crypto related or match a use for GLN or promote the token sale to a suitable audience.
The website must have a genuine audience.
To identify you as the owner of the work, please also include a link to your Bitcointalk profile in the article.
Medium, Steemit and other free Blogs are allowed. but one person can only write 1 Article in each of these.
5 articles allowed in premium blogs and websites with .com, .net. .org etc domains.
Article/review/blog post must contain at least 1 link to the ICO GLN website: and one link to GLN Whitepaper:
All articles, reviews, blog posts should also contain certain keywords or tags, like: GLN, Ethereum, Token Sale, cryptocurrency, coin. You should also include links to our social media pages for readers to follow us. Here are the social media links to include:
Headlines for all articles/blog/review posts must be SEO friendly and contain the keywords GLN ICO.
Writers should familiarize themselves with the official white papers to ensure accurate depiction of GLN's strategy, features, uses and technology.
Gameloot Blog Bounty