1. 150 stakes for high quality
2. 50 stakes normal submission
3. 25 stakes second and every other submission
4. 10 stakes for low quality
5. 1 stake for effort
1. Describe ICO and its features
2. Upload them on YouTube and/or Facebook (any video platform)
3. Must have at least 200 subscribers
4. Duration should not be less than 2 minutes and no more than 10 minutes of actual content
5. Stakes will be allotted on the basis of the quality and audience of the video. The amount of stakes assigned is non negotiable.
6. Plagiarism or use of other's material will be considered as an invalid submission
7. Each submission has to have a clear identification or link to bitcointalk account in the description
8. All videos should have voiceover (non machine voiceover)
9. Join Telegram group
10. Join CSBounty support group
Foresting Content Bounty