1. 150 stakes for high quality
2. 50 stakes normal submission
3. 25 stakes second and every other submission
4. 10 stakes for low quality
5. 1 stake for effort
1. The Blogs and Sites accepted to obtain the rewards are: Medium, blogger, WordPress, Steemit, personal websites, third-party websites and any website that is strictly related to cryptocurrencies.
2. The posts and articles published must contain a minimum of 500 words, ICO logo and be clear, concise and explanatory
3. The posts and articles must contain links to ICO, link to Bounty and link to your own bitcointalk profile
4. Plagiarism or use of spam or copied publications, unfavourable for ICO , will be considered as invalid submissions.
5. Content can be in own language
6. Join Telegram group
7. Join CSBounty support group
Foresting Blog Bounty