1000-4999 Followers: 2 Stakes per week.
5000-9999: 4 Stakes per week.
10000 and above Followers: 6 Stakes per week.
Participants must follow the Blackbox Twitter account.
Your audit score must be more than 90%.
Your Twitter account must be mainly about cryptocurrencies. We will also accept media personalities.
You have to have at least 1000 real followers.
Participants must actively like and retweet all Blackbox tweets (minimum 3 retweet every week) and they must post a minimum of 2 tweet a week with the hashtag #BlackboxFoundation, #BlackboxNetwork, #BlackboxOS, #BBOSToken, #BlackboxAI, #FutureofWork
Participants are required to retweet and share post everyday and not all retweet or sharing in just 1 day.
All tweets/retweets must be updated by Tuesday 23:59 Forum time to be counted.
Blackbox Twitter Bounty