High Quality: 300 Stakes
Normal Quality: 40 Stakes
The High quality category is reserved for good content from true influencers in the crypto or art space. This is up to the bounty manager’s discretion. Basically we want to reward the users who have build a strong following online whether that is with a blog or a youtube channel.
1: Low quality articles and videos will not be accepted.
2: Article and videos must be genuine. Copying other people’s content, articles or ripping off stuff is not allowed.
3: Articles Must be Longer than 500 Characters, less than 500 Characters will not be accepted.
4: Videos must be at least 1:30 minutes long, shorter videos will not be accepted.
5: Articles must have 2 links, one to the official website: (https://www.bitrace-token.com/) and a link to the Whitepaper: (https://www.bitrace-token.com/whitepaper). There also needs to be a link to your own Bitcointalk Profile in the bottom of your article to proof your authorship (if you miss this rule your entry will be disqualified and will not get accepted again)
6: For video’s all these links under rule 5 should be in the description of your video.
7: Medium, Steemit, Newbium, and other general/free blogging platforms are allowed but only one post of a person will be accepted in those platforms.
8: 3 Articles will be accepted for .com .net .org and other premium websites and blogs,
9: Owners and Managers have at any time the right to change the rules and make any reasonable changes to this bounty (including the payment structure and amount).
BITRACE Blog Bounty