100 - 500 Followers: 1 Stake
501- 1500 Followers: 2 Stakes
1501 - 3000 Followers : 3 Stakes
001 - 5000 Followers: 4 Stakes
5001 - above Followers: 6 Stakes
1. Each participant must be subscribed to our official Facebook page https://www.facebook.com/betform.io/;
2. Your Facebook account must be real. We do not accept fake accounts;
3. You must have at least 100 real subscribers / friends;
4. You can make your own posts about the project with link to the project’s official page;
5. Must be Join Telegram Group https://t.me/BetformOfficial;
6. Each participant should make reports every Friday;
7. You can make up to 5 shares a week.
Betform Facebook Bounty