250-1499 friends: 10000 RĪX per post like + share
1500-2999 friends: 25000 RĪX per post like + share
3000+ friends: 50000 RĪX per post like + share
You must like and follow the BEATRIX Facebook page.
Your post and # friends/followers must be public.
Must make at least (minimum) 7 likes and shares per week (different posts)
Maximum 10 posts share and Like per week
Maximum 2 shares and Like per day
Do not share and like posts that are more than one week old (7 days).
You will only get counted for 1 post if you post all 10 posts in a day
Make 1 report at the end of the week (Before Saturday 11:59 GMT) on this google form: Weekly Report
BEATRĪX Facebook Bounty